Blue sky in fragments

Sometimes some usual looking view captures your attention  and you love the output. The very same thing happened with this shot. I captured this shot while I was looking across the patio at Mount Bonell, Austin. This shot is the outcome of my love for sky watching. I love beautiful cloud formations in the sky. Do you love sky watching too?

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24 Responses to Blue sky in fragments

  1. Gloverlee says:

    Love skywatching especially now that my oldest son has studied cloud formations for school! Also, your picture reminds me of a scalloped shell! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the hard vertical lines against the soft sky and circular clouds. 🙂 Glad you love to sky watch!

  3. Andy says:

    Hi AJ, Thank you for your visit to my blog!….:)

    Regarding this post I do indeed love sky watching!….. If you are into sky pics you need to visit “Skywatch”!……..) Link….

    Just about hundreds of people from around th world enjoying the sky!……:)

  4. adrianduque89 says:

    I enjoy sky watching!

  5. AJ, I love this. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Javi&Palace says:

    Blue Sky in Fragments. Why don’t just call it Blue sky, or A Cloudless day, Roof Sight or so on…

    I’ll tell you why (even though you may already know the answer to that quest :P): Sometimes, it’s more apraissed ( right word?) the picture’s name than the picture itself.

    It happens the same with the paintings. What d you think about that?

  7. Stunning! Makes be feel peaceful.

  8. Sassy Magnolias says:

    I enjoy sky watching and taking shots of the clouds, sunsets and ect. I love this shot!!

  9. adrianduque89 says:

    Nominated you for Versatile Blogger Award!

  10. abu zar says:

    very well composed and executed !

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